Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mini boats

Build a boat with water wheel with these materials -- then, see how much weight it will hold before sinking (be sure to send pictures of the boat holding weight -- use whatever you'd like):

a ruler
4 pencils
2 feet of aluminum foil
a cereal box
24 inches of tape
4 spoons
4 index cards
4 paperclips
buttons or brads

You must use all of the materials.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Noah did an amazing job -- He made the car out of a toilet paper roll, tea candles, Q-Tips, Baskin Robbins spoons Mom emptied from her pocket weeks ago, and two of his bath toys -- an action figure and rocket: all items found in two bathrooms.

And here are some other pics:

Orca and Alce also did a brilliant job:

Thursday, March 4, 2010


This challenge calls for you to build an arch with spaghetti noodles. You may use 12 inches of tape. You may use one other item in construction and one in the solution.

Good luck!