C, age 9, carved an apple vampire with toothpick fangs! Great job C!

Alessia from Australia sculpted a house. Awesome roof!
Tyler made a halloween pumpkin. Cool Grin!
Nik created a snowman. It might be the first apple snowman ever! Great job!
Jody and Tyler in New York made a hot air balloon, water tower, and alien craft. Fantastic ideas!

This is the first of H and T's apples. They are doing several. It is supposed to resemble a cartoon character of some sort. The toothpicks are bushy eyebrows. The apple parts on the sides are ears. The apple stem is a nose. The apple bits at the top are hair pieces. Good job girls.
Sam created a weather satellite! Great work Sam!

Solomon made a Lunar Lander. Awesome lander!

JD, 8, carved a face using his teeth and only one toothpick. Fantastic face JD!
Blake did an awesome job with his jackolantern! It even has legs!

Moomintroll used just his teeth to bite a relief of a spooky ghost's face.
Snufkin used just her toothpicks to create a miniature pumpkin apple. We put a little piece of birthday candle in and lit it for fun.
Jackson, who is 6, carved Frankenstein! Great job!
Daxter created a drum and drum sticks. Awesome! Wonder what it sounded like?

Ratchet created a monster with a HUGE mouth! Great idea!

Halo created a person. Cool person, Halo!

Bennet settled on a boat propeller after deciding against a rectangle. Great job Bennet!

Lisel joined in too making lollipop!

Selena was all out of regular apples so the first creation was from tiny crabapples. She made a caterpillar. Then, her Daddy took pity on her and brought home a sack of regular apples so she made a 'normal' one. Its a scared apple being eaten by a caterpillar! Way to go Selena!

Isaiah ended up with a bird. His toothpicks were used for the eye, the legs and an insect that the bird is about to eat. His mom made a flower. Pretty awesome!
Jacob made his first one a totem pole (he used 2 apples). Great idea!

Then, he made an airplane! Another great idea!

After eating the Grand Canyon, Joshua ended up with the Death Star from Star Wars. Cool!

Cal made an alien: applealien. Great alien!

Tolly made a guy with one hair but decided it was an alien after hearing about his brother’s creature: appletolly. Great job!

Levi made a “thing”: applelevi (He used more than four toothpicks, but he’s three and was delighted to just poke his apple.) Great job Levi!

Cal, Tolly and Levi's mom made a cat: applecat. Cool cat!

Gracy made a two-faced apple. Comedy & Tragedy perhaps? Love it!
Maggie proudly displays her UFO. Awedome Maggie!
Will and Andy both used a Halloween theme for their apples. Great work guys!

Jaylene chose to poke the toothpicks in to create an airplane and played with it for a long time, flying it around. Great idea Jaylene!

Jaylene's mom made a hedgehog!

Alex created a face and then started eating up his project right after his mom snapped the picture. Charlie made a round airplane...and the toothpicks are the wings. Fantastic work guys!

Check out these apples made at a Think! club! They're great! You should all be proud.